
Unhappy Hipsters

If it isn't obvious by some of my posts here, I'm a huge fan of modern residential architecture and design. Must be my 4 years of architecture and environmental design from high school that I did nothing with...

Anyway, ever since I bought my little, old, drafty, creaky, 1940's era fixer-upper I've been obsessed with one day re-modeling it into an awesome, sleek, modern haven like the "architecture porn" featured on the pages of Dwell magazine. Then last year reality finally, and rather abruptly, slammed me upside the head. I cancelled my Dwell subscription and pretty much shoved my dream aside. Oh well, pipe dreams come and pipe dreams go right?

Today I discovered a blog called Unhappy Hipsters that helps me to put it all in perspective. As far as I can tell it is produced anonymously and features little hilarious deadpan captions underneath photos from Dwell & other publications that show couples living not-so-happily-ever-after in their sleek, modern homes. In a typical scenario a woman sits on a beautiful modern sofa while a man stands off to the side gazing out a window, quietly reflecting on his depressing life while plotting his escape.

There are many fun little dramas being played out in these ironic photo/caption combos and they help me to realize that, as with all dreams, you need to be careful what you wish for. Check it out for yourself and enjoy...

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